Key Benefits

Fossil Fuel Power Plant

Coal, petrol, and gas energy plants use steam or combustion gases to generate electricity through large turbines and generators. In this process, various rotating equipment such as alternators, pumps, and cooling fans are crucial.Artesis E-MCM and E-PCM units provide a smart and affordable way to monitor the condition of these rotating machines. Our technology also covers gearboxes, compressors, and other essential equipment in fossil energy plants. This monitoring ensures these machines work well, contributing to the smooth operation of the entire energy generation process.

Hydro Plants

Hyrdo Plants

Artesis exclusively utilizes a non-invasive methodology in our monitoring solutions for hydro power applications. Our technology relies solely on current and voltage readings, better suited for hydro units. This commitment to non-invasive methods ensures effective and precise monitoring, focusing on current and voltage measurements without incorporating other technologies. This approach allows for optimal performance management and early detection of potential issues in hydro power systems.

Nuclear Plants

In a nuclear plant, nuclear fission produces steam, which turns a turbine connected to a generator. Nuclear plants are known for running steadily for long periods, providing a reliable energy supply. However, this reliability depends on the trustworthiness of specific equipment in the generation process.

Key components like reactor coolant pumps, feedwater pumps, and emergency core cooling systems are crucial for the plant’s efficiency and safety. Systems like reactor coolant fans and containment ventilation fans also play a vital role. The reliability of these specialized components is essential for the continuous and dependable operation of nuclear power plants.

To enhance this reliability, non-invasive monitoring technology, like Artesis, offers a valuable benefit. By continuously monitoring these critical components without intrusive measures, it ensures early detection of potential issues, contributing to the overall safety and efficiency of nuclear power plant operations.


Application Areas in the Energy Sector

Case Study

Artesis and Jacobs Engineering Successfully Resolve Capacitive Coupling Issue

Case 1

Contact Info

58 Thomas St, New York, 10013 USA

+1 201 793-7150
